Thanks to the following companies who are generously
contributed prizes and cash vouchers for our annual
dinner 2005. There are:-
Sales & Services Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
Highpoint Service Network Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
Interhouse Co - Brunei Darussalam
Islamic Development Bank Bhd - Brunei Darussalam
MCP Computer Pte Ltd - Singapore
MicroSoft Malaysia Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
Corporation Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
ScanArt Data System (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Servex Malaysia Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
Sulaiman Development Services Sdn Bhd - Brunei Darussalam
Timetech Computer Trading Co - Brunei Darussalam
WT Excellence Distribution Sdn Bhd - Malaysia
Suzi: Satay is my favourite. I will eat 50 sticks tonight.
Azalinah: Wow! Jing2 , your stomach can fit so much
food ka?
Mr & Mrs Pao welcoming Mr & Mrs Jonson Lim to
the party
Amal: Gong Xi Gong Xi Ne Ya Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni
Shu Wei is shy to eat in front of ladies
Jumai can take a lot of foods. Who want to challenge
Most of our staff like Satay. Don't worry, there are
few hundred sticks
Erddy: Ani, this year more delicious foods
Young Lady also attracted by the Satay
Opening Speech by the Head of Sales Dept - Ani Suryani
Mr Pao: We, CONCEPTS couldn't have done it without your
Speech by the Head of Technical Dept - Alan Chai
Prizes for our Annual Luck Draw. Even the kid also happy
about it
Look at Jumai's face can tell how happy & excited
he is